
Golf Practice Mat Golf Hitting Mat with Heavy Rubber Base 105B

  • Doranî:EVA Foam
  • Koda Berhemê:105B
  • Awayî:15mm kef qisandina naylon + 10mm kef EVA + bingeha goma hişk
  • Mezinahî (M):1.5*1.5
  • Tevahiya stûrbûna (devî ± 2 mm):30mm

  • Mats Giran Non-Slip - 105B
    15mm Nylon Knitted Crimp + 10mm EVA Foam + Bingeha Goma hişk

    Bingeha gomûka hişk Giraniya Matê Zêde Dike da ku Ji Pevçûn dûr Bide

    • Golf Practice Mat Golf Hitting Mat with Heavy Rubber Base 105B
    • Golf Practice Mat Golf Hitting Mat with Heavy Rubber Base 105B
    • Golf Practice Mat Golf Hitting Mat with Heavy Rubber Base 105B
    • Golf Practice Mat Golf Hitting Mat with Heavy Rubber Base 105B
    • Golf Practice Mat Golf Hitting Mat with Heavy Rubber Base 105B
    • Golf Practice Mat Golf Hitting Mat with Heavy Rubber Base 105B

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